Add "Good Friday" and the "Day After Thanksgiving" to default list of holidays.
under review
Thomas Weldon
We would like a workspace template for both billing and payment multipliers where you can select specific holidays that are automatically modified whenever you schedule a shift on that day for all care recipients rather than having to modify each individual shift for all the different holidays.
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Thomas Weldon
yes that would work thanks!
Dan Ogren
under review
Thomas Weldon
Hey Dan, Is it possible to add a holiday under the settings > rate modifiers page? Like for example if we wanted to add the day after Thanksgiving which is traditionally a hard day to staff or Good Friday, can we do that?
Dan Ogren
Thomas Weldon: I can update this issue to reflect the request for: "Good Friday" and the "Day After Thanksgiving" to be added to our default list of holidays. Would that work?
Dan Ogren
Hi Thomas, we currently have this feature in workspace Settings > Rate Modifiers.